
Monday, January 28, 2013

Life of Pi Editor: Tim Squyers

Hey All,

I have yet to see Life of Pi, but a friend of mine did and she was recently telling me how great it looked and how it really turned her impression of 3D in film. I had heard about the movie but did not know much of the story line and after some online browsing, came across an interview with the editor, Tim Squyres. It was his first attempt editing a 3D movie and he has been nominated for an Academy Award for his work. In the article, he discusses some of his thought processes and how his approach differed from editing a 2D film. Although the scopes of our projects differ, many of us will be approaching the editing process from the some place as Tim Squyres did, “first timers."

From the article, I found few things to possibly think about when starting our own 3D editing processes.

·       Squyres edited everything in 3D and exclaims in the interview "We figured if we just worked in 3D, we wouldn’t have to intellectualize that [what it will look like]. We could just respond to what we were seeing." 
·       All the editing was done on a large screen so that he did not have to imagine the extent of the 3D the audience will experience.
·       His thoughts on utilizing 3D for immersion in storytelling.

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