
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Unintentional 3D Lon Chaney Phantom

Following on my Hunchback post from a few weeks ago, I have some very exciting news to share! When I presented the Hunchback stereographs, Chris Eller (my 3D instructor) mentioned that not only had Lon Chaney’s 1925 classic “Phantom of the Opera” been promoted with stereographs but that the film had been unintentionally filmed in 3D.

“What," you say?!?! I know, I couldn’t believe it either but the truth was that I already knew the facts that made this unintentional marvel possible. You see back in the nineteen twenties, it was standard practice to shoot films with two cameras, side by side, to create a domestic and international release print of the film. The studios of the time did this to cut down on the wear on the master duplication print so although their intention was not to make a 3D print of these films that is exactly what they did!

Now after hearing about the possibility of a 3D Phantom, I got very excited and started combing the net for Phantom stereographs but I was astonished to find that a stereographer in Florida, Carl Hernz, had in fact restored and reconstructed both camera eyes to Lon Chaney’s Phantom and that the film will be premiering later in 2012. This completely blew my little monster kid mind so I quickly contacted Chris and Jon Vickers, the director of IU Cinema, and made them aware of this 3D film. The result was that Jon was interested in the possibility of screening the film.

Awesome! I then contacted Carl Hernz in Florida, who was very amiable and also excited at the prospect of Indiana University screening “Le Fantôme de l'Opéra” in 3D at IU Cinema. At this time, we are in negotiations to screen the film in October so fingers crossed classic monster fans because it looks like IU Cinema may be screening Lon Chaney’s “Phantom of the Opera” in 3D!!

Carl has also kindly agreed to an interview and I will continue to keep you posted as this project progresses! In the meantime, check out Carl’s website on the project:

I am also providing you with a link to the trailer of the Phantom in 3D to whet your appetite:


Russell McGee

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